Rohan was born the age of 1028. His current age at the monment is 11. He goes to the school the school called Journey Star Acedemy. He's goes with his sister, Sarah. They have fun things happen since they known about there powers. Rohan has tough skills in fighting since he can control his Super Saiyan abilties. []
Rohan gets picked on at school and left out while his cousin, Ranger, is popular. Rohan asks for his cousin help but he declines him. Rohan gets really angry at Ranger. So they get in a fight and during the fight rohan learns how to become a Super Saiyan and harsly defeats Ranger. When they are at home Rohan gets grounded while Jake trains him behind Pearl's back. They learn how to control his rage with SSJ. Finally, Rohan went beyond SSJ and became SSJ2. He was able to keep his rage with a his ultimite attack. []